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samwho logo, a small keyboard arranged in a 3x2 grid, with 'sam' at the top, and 'who' at the bottom. A cable runs from the top of the keyboard to off the top of the screen.

I Care About You

Since the start of 2023, my following has grown from less than 1,000 to almost 10,000. I didn't employ any sort of growth hacking or engagement trickery to achieve this. I created high quality content on a slow-but-consistent basis, and engaged authentically with people who followed me. 10,000 isn't a lot in the grand scheme of things, but it means a lot to me and I am proud of this achievement.

At the start of 2024 I identified that the main thing holding me back was time. I started to get people contacting me about paid work adjacent to the content I create, work I wanted to pursue but couldn't make the time for it while working full time, parenting 2 children, and creating content that takes a lot of time and effort.

At the end of 2024, I took a pay cut at work to go down to 4 days a week, created samwho.dev ltd., and made a small bet on myself to be able to make up the difference in income through paid work adjacent to my content.

Since I started down this road, I have done a lot of thinking about my content, my brand, and you. I think I've arrived at a good understanding of what I am, what I'm not, what I'll do, and what I won't. I've seen a few tweets since new year that had me thinking "wow, I'd never to that" or "I really like what that person is doing" and it made me want to get my thoughts on this written down.

He didn't say this, but Sam would want you to know that everything that follows is specific to him and his situation. It's not a set of universal truths for everyone to follow or aspire to. Some of it could be flat out wrong. He's doing his best to navigate a world that's new to him.

# What I am

My Bluesky bio says: "That guy who makes programming visualisations at https://samwho.dev". I'm actually not happy with this wording but it's the closest I've gotten so far at capturing what I'm doing in a succinct way.

I think if you're

# What I'm not

# What I'll do

# What I won't do